Is Debt Delaying Marriage? | McCarthy Law PLC
December 4, 2013

Is Debt Delaying Marriage?

The answer appears to be yes.   According to a new study by Harris Interactive for the American Institute of CPAs, 15% of college graduates have postponed getting married due to student loans,.

Between 2004 and 2012, the total student debt nearly tripled to $966 billion, becoming the largest non-mortgage debt burden in the United States.

The hard part is that many young people do not understand the real burden of student loan debt until after graduation, and 60% hold some regret for taking out student loans.

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If student loans or other unsecured debts are holding you back from popping the question, getting married, going on a honeymoon, or starting a family, contact a debt settlement attorney who can work to reduce your debt and defend you against debt collectors and big banks.


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