Taking Your School Lunch for Debts...Literally! | McCarthy Law PLC
January 31, 2014

Taking Your School Lunch for Debts…Literally!

Life is sometimes stranger than fiction.  Imagine an elementary school that served lunches to their young students, then took those lunches and threw them away because of unpaid meal balances.  Yes, this actually happened.

Workers at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City took lunches from up to 40 kids with unpaid meal balances and threw them away. Salt Lake City District spokesman Jason Olsen stated that the child-nutrition manager decided to withhold lunches to deal with debts.  According to Olsen, the cafeteria workers were unable to see which students owed debts until after they were served their lunches, which is why the school took their lunches after they were served and threw them away.

According to one fifth-grade student, the school employee “took [her] lunch away and said, ‘Go get a milk’… you don’t have any money in your account so you can’t get a lunch.”

Of course parents are furious at the despicable act and the embarrassment for the children involved.

For the entire article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/01/30/utah-school-lunch-taken/5053635/

Most creditors will not take your lunch and throw it away as a means of collection efforts. Instead, creditors rely on phone calls, letters, and lawsuits.  If you or someone you know is facing collection efforts, schedule a free consultation with one of our debt settlement attorneys.


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